MULTI-PLAYER SOCCER MANAGER. TYPED BY GENIE OF POMPEY PIRATES, PORTED FROM ST AND EDITED BY SCOOTER. GENERAL All keyboard entries should be followed by pressing return, except when using the function keys. All other selections should be made by joystick or mouse, depending on which you select (Don't know how the hell you are supposed to use the mouse for this game, as it was DONGLE protected via the mouse port, and I can't find any option to select between mouse and joystick)! MAIN MENU. To select each player, press the funtion keys 1-8 for each respective player. LOADING & SAVING. To access these options select the disk icon from the main menu. The number of saves per season is 3 times the number of players involved in the game. But if you use the trainer option, you can have as mabny saves as you like. SAVING A GAME. Before a disk can be used for saving a game it must be formatted by this program, which is found in the disk menu. To save a game, first click on the filename box and type in the filename, then hit return. Click on save. LOADING A GAME. To load a saved game, simply click on DIR, then click on load. DELETING A SAVED GAME. Click on DIR, then delete. Note: All messages and errors are displayed at the bottom of the screen. From the main menu. On the performance table option. W = Win L = Lose X = Draw (score) D = Draw (no score) DISCIPLINARY POINTS OPTION. The fifth column of figures indicate the number of games the player is banned for. The sixth column indicates the number of disciplinary points the player has accumulated. INJURIES OPTION. When a player is injured, the figure at the right hand edge of the screen indicates the number of weeks an injury will take to heal End.